First To Know Weather


Wednesday evening First To Know forecast (02/16/2022)

the weekend ahead (07/08/2022)
and last updated
Wednesday evening First To Know forecast (02/16/2022)

A warmer pattern continues into Thursday before areas of rain and isolated thunder arrive. They won't be a factor this evening, but the puffy clouds will decrease as it takes longer for readings to cool down. Expect evening temps to be in the 70s and 60s, dropping into the 50s for lows in the morning. The sun-and-cloud mix will give way to increasing cloudiness by Thursday evening. Temperatures will peak in the mid 70s to around 80° before isolated thunderstorms and a few showers reach western areas in the evening and night. Showers and storms will weaken steadily as they move east Friday morning. Clouds will linger for a bit. The weekend brings more sun and passing clouds with cool, average temperatures. Next week is looking quite warm with 80s possible by midweek.

--Casanova Nurse, Chief Meteorologist