First To Know WeatherWeather News


Stormy start to our Monday morning

Storms already brewing during early morning hours Monday

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Grab the umbrellas and rain coats before you even head out the door Monday morning.

Early morning and afternoon storms move through creating some difficult travel for those of us heading into work or the doctor's appointment to start the week.

Some gusty wind and heavy rain cannot be ruled out of some stronger storms across the area even during these morning hours.

These storms will move west to east throughout the day with rounds widespread rounds of rain for the morning and afternoon.

Hopefully you have somewhere close to keep the rain jackets and umbrellas for the next few days.

Stormy afternoons are in the forecast through the weekend.

Storms will not be as widespread Tuesday, but we still have a chance of seeing some stronger storm activity through scattered afternoon storm chances.