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Isolated showers possible Tuesday

Wind hinders fog development Tuesday morning

TALLAHASSE, Fla. (WTXL) — Temperatures start in the upper 60s and low 70s with high humidity levels, Tuesday.

One reason fog is not forming in our area is the breeze.

Wind is pushing in from the southwest, and brings in warm, humid air with gusts up to 25 MPH later Tuesday afternoon.

A few spotty showers are possible around the coastline Tuesday morning and afternoon.

These will be light, but it would not be a bad idea to bring out the rain jackets just in case you are heading out to the car when a shower is moving over.

Mostly warm and humid weather will be in our area through Thursday.

Friday is when our next changes move in.

A cold front will slide all the way through our area.

This will raise concern for some stronger to severe weather for our area Friday afternoon and evening. We will keep a close eye on this system throughout the week.

Temperatures will drop behind the front for the weekend. Highs Saturday and Sunday will only top out in the mid to low 70s!