First To Know Weather


Typical July weather continues today with afternoon scattered storms

Posted 9:15 AM, Jul 16, 2024
and last updated 1:04 PM, Jul 16, 2024

Temperatures this morning have fallen into the mid 70s, although it remains muggy across the area. A southwesterly wind flow continues today, pumping in moisture from over the Gulf of Mexico. This will help initiate scattered storm chances this afternoon, with some bringing periods of heavy rain to the area. Isolated storms will begin to form late this morning, becoming more hit-or-miss in nature by 1 to 2 pm. Storm coverage will remain scattered through sunset, where isolated storms will still be possible through midnight.

Skies will remain partly cloudy in between periods of rain as highs reach the mid 90s. Humidity will make it feel hotter in places where the rain holds off, with feel-like temperatures reaching the triple digits in some places.

Scattered storms continue each afternoon this week through the weekend with not much change in our weather pattern. A southwest wind flow continues, bringing in thick, soupy air that will help initiate thunderstorms later in the day. Highs reach the mid 90s each afternoon with feel-like temperatures as high as the triple digits.

The tropics remain quiet this week, with dry air continuing to keep tropical cyclones from forming.