First To Know Weather


Tuesday morning First to Know 4-To-Go forecast (06/21/2022)


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Happy Tuesday and welcome to the first official day of summer! To commemorate the start of the season, bring on the heat! High temperatures this afternoon will climb to the upper 90's under plenty of sunshine. Fortunately, humidity levels will not be that high so it won't feel as oppressively hot. Since there is so much dry air in place, virtually no rain is expected aside for maybe an isolated coastal shower or storm later today. If you'll be outside enjoying the longest day of the year make sure you stay hydrated!

On Wednesday, it'll get even hotter. That's when we'll flirt with record-breaking heat with high temperatures expected to climb into the low 100's. Again, humidity levels will be acceptable and it'll feel close to the actual temperature it is outside...if that's any consolation. High temperatures Thursday will likely soar back into the low 100's with a gradual uptick in humidity.

Higher rain chances arrive Friday and stay through the weekend with the return of daily summertime storms. However, that opens the door for increased humidity. So, even though high temperatures will be lower in the mid 90's by then, it'll feel-like the low 100's. At least when it finally does rain, that can bring some relief to those that get it!