First To Know Weather


Storm Team Wednesday morning forecast (4/17/2013)


"Summery" just about does it for today. Scattered morning clouds will thin a bit this afternoon but not completely. Later today there may be one or two thunderstorms but nothing huge, meanwhile highs will climb into the mid and upper 80s. What you're going to notice most about today is the continued humidity. Will it be a massive wall of thickness that makes it unbearable to be outside for more than 5 minutes? No, but it will be on the sticky side. Tonight, we stay muggy with lows in the 60s by Thursday morning. Thursday afternoon we've got a repeat of today with a taste of the muggys, highs in the middle 80s and only a couple thunderstorms. Our game changes with a cold front on Friday. Showers and thunderstorms get going Friday afternoon with a limited severe threat, but right now it is too early to get specific. As the front moves south and east through Saturday morning rain will linger for anyone running the Palace Saloon 5k. The front clears Saturday evening paving the way for a comfortable, dry but warm Sunday with highs in the upper 70s.

Be safe and have a great Wednesday!

-Meteorologist Sean Parker