First To Know Weather


Storm Team Saturday evening forecast (02/14/2015)


MIDWAY, Fla. (WTXL) -- As the current high pressure system pushes to the south, another cold front will push through from the north and allow another high from the north to set in and cool us off for Sunday afternoon. For Saturday night into Sunday morning, lows will struggle to reach to the lower 30s, forecast to be near 40 degrees (this is due to our current high pushing winds from the east, somewhat moderating temperatures across the area. But highs for Sunday afternoon will only be in the 50s. For Monday, lows will likely be near freezing with highs in the 60s as yet another front drives winds back from the Gulf. THat will help influence rain coverage for Tuesday afternoon with a slight possibility for some isolated storms too. AFter that front crosses our area, another Arctic high pressure cell looks to drop lows in the 20s and highs near 50 degrees by Thursday.