First To Know Weather


Muggy heat returns Sunday with afternoon storms, some severe, popping up

Sunday SPC Forecast.png
Posted 10:35 PM, Aug 17, 2024
and last updated 10:53 PM, Aug 17, 2024

Temperatures in the low 90s this afternoon have come along with some humidity, but it is not as muggy as it has been for the majority of this summer. Feel-like temperatures have made it as high as 100 degrees in western parts of the area as lots of sunshine has been seen across the area throughout the day. Over the next few hours, clear skies will continue with lows dropping into the mid 70s early tomorrow morning.

Wind out of the south tomorrow will help to pump more moisture into the area, and while most of the day will remain sunny, afternoon pop-up storms are expected by mid-afternoon. Not everyone will see rain, but for those that do, there is the chance for severe weather Sunday afternoon, with damaging winds the primary threat. No tornado or hail is expected, but some storms that form can issue a few severe thunderstorm warnings with wind gusts upwards of 60mph over the course of the afternoon.

A heat advisory is also in effect for the day on Sunday, with afternoon highs in the upper 90s and high humidity bringing feel-like temperatures as high as 112 degrees, specifically for western areas including Tallahassee and Bainbridge. Take it easy outdoors in the heat, which will peak before the scattered storms roll through mid-to-late afternoon.

The workweek looks to bring more periods of dry weather in between days with scattered storms. Each morning features mostly sunny skies, but Monday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons feature afternoon pop-up thunderstorms. Tuesday and Wednesday will be the driest days of the week with a low chance at a brief shower while lots of sunshine and drier air bring highs into the mid to upper 90s.