First To Know Weather


Monday evening First to Know Tropics Check (10/31/22)

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Tropical Storm Lisa is making its way westward through the central Caribbean Sea with maximum sustained winds at 45 miles per hour. Lisa is located south of Jamaica and a little stronger this afternoon compared to this morning. Lisa is expected to continue its westward track towards Central America during the midweek timeframe.

Another disturbance of interest is popping up in the central Atlantic Ocean as a non-tropical low pressure area attached to a frontal system located roughly 300 miles northeast of Bermuda. There is a very small chance this will be able to get better organized because it is set to become absorbed by another system over the next few days. Regardless, it is moving to the northeast farther out into the open ocean waters so this will not impact any land areas. Aside from that, the rest of the tropics are expected to remain quiet over the next week.