

VIDEO: Protestors rally outside of Florida Supreme Court during abortion ban hearing

Some demonstrators traveled hundreds of miles to make their voices heard
  • The Florida Supreme Court met Friday morning to decide whether to overrule abortion rights protections.
  • People from all over the state gathered outside of the Florida Supreme Court to rally, some for and some against.
  • Check out the video above to see what pro-life and pro-choice protesters had to say about the abortion ban.


The Florida Supreme Court met Friday morning to decide whether to overrule abortion rights protections. Those protections have been provided for decades under the state constitution.

"I came here today to support life of the unborn," said Ingrid Ford.

"I am extremely pro-choice," said Shamira Swan.

Outside the courtroom, groups from both sides of the debate gathered on the sidewalk to make their messages heard.

The issue reaches far beyond the city limits Tallahassee.

"We woke up at 2 in the morning to drive up to Tallahassee from Orlando, to be here for the arguments," said Swan.

Whether for or against…one thing was clear.

"It's important. We become desensitized to it because we live in the capital and we're around politics all the time. It's very important for everyone in the state to stand up and say what we believe," said Spencer.

"First of all this issue is important to God. It's important to our constitution," said Ford.

An issue affecting both women and men.

"A lot of times men don't like to listen to anybody else other than another man's voice so I'm going to do my best to uplift someone that may not get as much of a platform," said Robert Lee.

As the court decides…both sides keeping their eye on one idea.

"We pray justice will prevail," said Ford.

Meanwhile, groups are working to guarantee abortion rights in Florida up to about 24 weeks of pregnancy, generally when a fetus is considered viable.