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Valdosta struggles with evictions while Georgia General assembly discusses rent control

Over 160 eviction requests have been filed with Lowndes County courts since last December.
Posted 11:42 PM, Jan 22, 2024
  • 81 eviction requests were filed in December 2023 and 80 have been filed so far this year.
  • Georgia currently has no rent control laws, and municipalities like Valdosta are not allowed to enact rent control laws.
  • Watch the video to hear from neighbors about how they're struggling with getting evicted.


Post-holidays are a tough time for renters. Since December, over 161 intents to evict have been filed with our county's magistrate court, with 70 being executed so far.

"The only apartments I've been able to find run from $900 to $1000."

I'm Malia Thomas, your neighborhood reporter in Valdosta.

Two weeks ago, I spoke with our state leaders about their intent to discuss rent control during the Georgia General Assembly's session this month.

Now, I'm speaking with neighbors who'd like that change- and fast.

I met Jeffrey Sirmans while I was working on my government shutdown story at LAMP.

He's now living there after he got kicked out of his last home.

He tells me that while the shelter has been treating him well, trying to get back on his feet has been quite a challenge.

"It's been very hard, especially when you have to do it by yourself and ain't got nobody trying to help you."

Jeffrey has struggled with housing insecurity on and off for years.

Just when he found an affordable place some weeks ago, he became unemployed.

"I hurt my back there on the 8th of this month. Then I missed a couple of days, then they had to let me go."

Now, he's not sure if he'll be able to move out on his own as he hoped.

"It don't... don't feel good."

Many Valdostans are in the same position as Jeffrey.

To get more insight, I spoke with Kelly Maslak from our county's magistrate courts.

Since December, 161 eviction requests have been filed with our magistrate court.

70 people were either evicted from their homes or reached some sort of an agreement in December.

She tells me while the eviction request fluctuates month to month, January sees some high numbers.

In January 2022: 92 evictions were requested.

In January 2023: 147 evictions were requested.

Some of this has to do with the post-holiday financial drought many families experience in January, but rising costs are also a possible factor.

According to, the fair market rent for Valdosta was $833 in 2022. Now, the average rent is $1,100.

Jeffrey tells me with this in mind, he hopes the General Assembly can agree on rent control to help our neighbors out.

"They need to put more resources out there for people who don't have nowhere to go."

The Georgia General Assembly will continue its sessions until late March when rent control and other bills will be decided on.

I'm Malia Thomas, reporting for ABC27.