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Girls on the Run in Valdosta looks to add 700 girls, calls for community support

Girls on the Run South Georgia is starting their season and asks for local support to help expand the program.
  • Girls on the Run South Georgia has served 2,900 girls so far.
  • Local leaders in Lowndes County and Valdosta are actively supporting the program’s expansion efforts.
  • Watch the video to hear about the program's impact to our region.


It’s a big goal, adding 700 girls to the roster.

That’s how many Mary Crawford, the CEO of Girls on the Run South Georgia, hopes to one day enroll in the program.

“Right now, we've served 2,900, so we've got a few more that we can reach, but that means we've got to connect to some more communities," said Crawford.

That’s where local support comes in. Lowndes County leaders are rallying behind GTOR.

“Lowndes County and the City of Valdosta have both come on strong to support this program," said Crawford. "They see the difference that it's making.”

They're still going to need help hitting their goal through fundraisers.

People like Madison McGlown, a local elementary teacher and Girls on the Run coach, see the difference support makes firsthand.

“Graciously, we've now gotten the grant to do it with Girls on the Run, but a lot of the kids come from homes that maybe their parents always working and that's why they're in the after-school program," said McGlown.

For McGlown, this program hits close to home.

“I was someone that was always in sports as a child, but like so much of my childhood, I don't know, like I didn’t… I wish I had sometimes that motivation or like the positive impact," said McGlown.

And the impact is seen throughout our region.

According to the University of Minnesota's study of GOTR's program impact for South Georgia, over 97% of the girls who participated said they learn critical life skills including facing problems.

In Valdosta, I’m Malia Thomas, reporting for ABC27.