

State Route 45 bridge in Seminole County, Georgia set to open

Plan to open the new bridge at 1 p.m. Thursday
and last updated

IRON CITY, Ga. — The new state Route 45 (SR) bridge over Dry Creek in Seminole County is expected to open early Thursday afternoon, replacing the original bridge that was built in 1972.

Plans are to open the new bridge at 1 p.m.

However, if you approach the area and barricades have not been removed, for your safety and that of personnel on scene, please do not move the barricades and enter the work zone.

The bridge is about three miles north of Iron City. Work began in October 2021 and traffic was detoured during construction. The old bridge had posted weight limits and did not meet current design standards due to the vehicle used in the design 50 years ago. The bridge showed minor cracking in various places and there was a risk of erosion of soil around the foundation.

New construction provides a bridge that meets current design standards. The shoulders almost doubled in width, from 3.9 feet to six feet. This is a safety benefit in the event a motorist has to stop on the bridge or someone needs to cross it on foot. The new 12-foot travel lanes are a half foot wider than the old bridge.

The construction contract is $2.3 million, but preliminary engineering and right of way added about another $1 million to the total cost of the project.