

Woman arrested after stealing tip jar, caught on camera


LAS VEGAS (KTNV/CNN) - Thanks to social media, a Las Vegas woman has been arrested after she was caught on camera stealing a tip jar from a restaurant.

Her quick thinking and even quicker actions allowed her to pull off the theft seen in the surveillance video.

"She basically walked up to the cashier and asked to have a sample of food. At Teriyaki Madness, we cook to order, so we don't usually have samples. She kind of bullied the cashier and said, I want a sample of your beef," Teriyaki Madness owner Dean Clarino said.

That's when the cashier turned around to ask the cook if that was possible.

"By that time, the lady opened her purse, put the tip jar in it and walked right out the front door," Clarino said.

The cashier called Clarino. He pulled up the tapes and posted the video to his Facebook page, racking up millions of views in just 24 hours.

"In the past, I didn't get any replies, but this particular video for some reason went viral and I don't really understand why,” Clarino said.

11 miles down the road, Sabatino's Authentic New York Pizzeria believed they fell victim to the same crime by the same woman.

She waited for a worker inside to walk in the back, then snatched the tip jar.

Police have confirmed the woman in the video was arrested on one count of petty larceny.

They do believe there's up to 30 more victims out there. So if you believe your business was hit, you're urged to call police.

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