

VIDEO: Woman makes racist remarks toward Hispanic, black Americans


CENTERTON, ARKANSAS (KHBS/KHOG/CNN) - A woman shopping in Walmart in Centerton, Arkansas, was the target of a racist rant from another shopper.

Eva Hicks was on a normal grocery trip before turning down the medicine aisle at her local Walmart. That's why she encountered another female shopper who had choice words for her.

"I encountered this lady that was on my way, and I asked her politely, you know, if I could pass," Hicks said. "I said excuse me, and she as being very hateful immediately."

The unidentified woman told Hicks to "go back to Mexico." When a manager and bystander asked the woman to stop harassing Hicks, she made a racial slur about black Americans.

"This country has given me so much," Hicks said. "It's a beautiful country. This is a free country. There is no reason for someone to treat me less just because my skin is different."

Hicks added she wanted to put the experience behind her, and she wished the other woman the best.

The assistant manager asked the woman to leave the store.

"We value respect for everyone who visits our stores," a statement said. "We have no tolerance for the language or actions of this customer and are proud to see that our assistant manager responded appropriately by asking her to leave the store."

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