

VIDEO: Good Samaritans lift car off trapped pedestrians


WASHINGTON (WJLA/CNN) - Sometimes a crisis brings out the best in people.

After a serious auto accident, a group of bystanders joined forces to help rescue two people trapped under a car.

Car parts and a broken pair of eyeglasses left behind on the sidewalk show the aftermath of Tuesday's chain reaction crash in northwest Washington.

A dash cam video from a cab driver parked on 9th Street shows the moment of impact.

The air bags of the silver Chevy Malibu deployed as it jumped the curb.

Then a woman climbed out of the passenger seat to check on her 8-year-old son riding in the back.

She didn't want to be identified but described her scary ordeal.

“I'm six months pregnant,” she said. “We ran over people. Two women were stuck under the car. I'm glad there were enough people out here to physically lift the car to get them from under it.”

That heroic effort from bystanders was also caught on camera.

The crowd worked together to free two people trapped beneath the car.

“So everyone is like, ‘get the car get the car,’ so 20 of us ran and grabbed the Malibu and picked up the Malibu to get the person that was under Malibu from under the car,” one person said.

Washington police said it all started when the pickup truck cut the Malibu off while making a left-hand turn.

“He was 100 percent at fault,” a bystander said.

But it's how this accident ended that will now be remembered.

The victims sustained serious injuries but survived thanks to the kindness of strangers who rushed to help.

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