

Vermont AG urges police review after racial harassment case


MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont's attorney general is urging a review of a police department's practices following its handling of reports of racial harassment against the state's only black female lawmaker, who later resigned.

T.J. Donovan said Monday that an outside expert should review the Bennington Police Department's policies and procedures. He is urging the town to hire one.

The NAACP Vermont branch and the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont are also calling for a review, including whether evidence was withheld.

Donovan has said "there was a breakdown in Bennington."

His office took over the investigation of racial harassment against then-Rep. Kiah (KY'-uh) Morris in August and announced last month that no charges would be filed because of free speech protections.

The town manager did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.