

Texas man dies after falling into tire shredder


SHELDON, TX (KTRK/CNN) - A federal investigation is underway after a man died at a Texas tire recycling plant Friday.

A representative for Byron Jones' family said he died while working at Genan Inc.

Andrew Seerden said Jones, 26, was "tragically killed in a tire shredder."

Jones got caught in the machine and couldn't get free, co-workers said.

Coworkers initially reported Jones missing before the company realized what had happened.

Jones leaves behind a 3-year-old daughter.

Investigators with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said they have launched an investigation into the incident.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office is also investigating.

On Tuesday, experts, investigators and the family's attorney were at the plant on Beaumont Highway.

"We are currently investigating the incident and expect to file a lawsuit in order to hold all negligent and grossly negligent parties fully accountable for this tragedy," Seerden said.

Attorney Paul Francis, who represents Genan Inc. released a statement saying, "the company has no comment at this time."

According to the company’s site, Genan Inc is among one of the largest tire recycling plants in the world.

Genan opened in 2014 and, according to online OSHA records, has never had an accident before.

Genan has one complaint in the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) database for "failure to maintain 40 feet of space around outdoor piles."

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