

Puppies found in wreckage after tornado looking for home


CHETEK, WI (WCCO/CNN) - A litter of puppies that were born during and survived a devastating tornado are up for adoption.

Keri Harrison from the Human Society of Baron County, Wisconsin, rescued the puppies from a flattened farm.

"They were born in a barn while a tornado was going on," Harrison said. "Imagine what that must have down trauma-wise, Just the sheer pressure had to be horrifying for these animals."

When animal lover Tammie Eiler heard the story, she knew exactly what to do. She gave them all a temporary home.

"They can't take care of themselves," Eiler said. "They didn't ask to be left homeless, and we have plenty of room and plenty of time. It just seemed like something we should do."

The 5-week-old puppies will be up for adoption in roughly two weeks.

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