

Police shames officer who parked in handicapped spot


FERNDALE, MI (WXYZ/CNN) - A tweet from a police department is getting a lot of attention.

The force called out one of their own for breaking a law.

Thursday morning, they tweeted a picture of a cop car parked in a handicapped spot, remarking, "This is not okay! This is not the way we roll. We have dealt with this."

"It's not in our value system to do stuff like this. It was a hastily made, poorly made decision," Sgt. Baron Brown said.

Brown said the officer was making a coffee stop early in the morning and said there was nowhere to park.  

"We want to apologize if anyone was in the lot and needed that space," he said. "We get it, and we understand. It's not the way we roll here."   

Back in the day, you may not have heard about this, but Brown said people have a right to know.

"I think as time goes on, more and more police departments are going to handle things like this," he said. "We can't hide it. It happened. It was a mistake. There was no malice in the officer's heart."

Just remember: If an officer can't get a free pass, neither can you.

"Regardless of whether there's zero spots left that aren't handicapped or a whole bunch of them, if you're not handicapped, if you don't have a sticker, don't park in the spot," Brown said.

Illegally parking in a handicapped zone can cost you $100.

There is no word how the Ferndale Police Dept. will discipline the officer, but they say they will take care of it. 

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