

Noose found hanging in school restroom


MOCKSVILLE, NC (Spectrum News Triad/CNN) - Law enforcement and officials at Davie County High School say they've found those responsible for hanging a noose in a school restroom Monday.

The image of the object has been circulating on social media, and the school has addressed the issue with students.

They said appropriate disciplinary action has been taken.

A statement from the school district reads in part, "Symbols of hatred and violence have no place in our schools, and we will continue to work diligently to address such divisive issues when they arise. We take such incidents seriously and are making this a teachable moment."

Davie County Sheriff JD Hartman said the noose was traced back to a student, "and it appears that this was a joke."

Two more nooses appeared Tuesday in what investigators say were copycat incidents.

In a message sent out to parents Tuesday evening that appeared on Facebook, the school district said efforts are being made to find whomever hung the two nooses.

"The display of a hate symbol was completely unacceptable and such behavior will not be tolerated," the school district said.

P.J. Peck was among the students who condemned the stunt, "The main thing is it shouldn't have even been that. We come to Davie County High School to get our education, not to do stupid stuff like this."

He added, "A noose is not a Halloween prank. I could see if if you put like a pumpkin and some skeletons in there, you know, make it Halloween, but this is serious."

Peck said this is not the first time he's had to deal with racial incidents at school, saying he's been called racial slurs and pushed.

"When you feel uncomfortable, that's a good thing because when you feel uncomfortable, conversations start," he said.

Copyright 2017 Spectrum News Triad via CNN. All rights reserved. Raycom News Network contributed to this report.