

GRAPHIC: Teens arrested after allegedly punching disabled man


GERMANTOWN, PA (KYW/CNN) – Four teens are facing assault charges after Pennsylvania police say a video shows them attacking a man who is mentally disabled.

Authorities in Philadelphia discovered the video Monday night after it surfaced on Facebook.

On Tuesday, police say they arrested four of the individuals seen punching the man. The video appears to show them laughing and clapping at the incident.

"There's no rhyme or reason. One could think it's for kicks and giggles by sick-minded individuals – in this case, juveniles,” said Capt. Malachi Jones with Northwest Detectives.

All the juveniles face charges of aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment.

Authorities are connecting some of the teens in the video to another attack last Friday outside a school in Germantown, PA, where the principal was attacked with a brick.

"There are some individuals that are involved in this incident that are also involved in that incident. We are looking at similarities from this incident, relating to the assault of the principal,” Jones said.

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