

GRAPHIC: CA woman, 22 others claim burns, cuts from exploding NutriBullet


LOS ANGELES (KCAL/KSHB/CNN) – A Los Angeles woman, along with at least 22 others, are suing the makers of NutriBullet over cuts and burns they allegedly sustained when their blenders exploded.

The mother of late Mexican singer Jenni Rivera, Rosa Rivera says the NutriBullet blender, an “as seen on TV” product marketed as a powerful nutrient extractor, is dangerous.

The woman was using a NutriBullet in early November when she says the canister exploded in her face.

"My head, everything was burning,” said Rivera through a translator.

According to a lawsuit filed by her attorneys, Rivera received second-degree, disfiguring burns.

And Rivera isn’t the only one to allege her blender exploded. In May, a woman from Kentucky reported similar injuries.

The woman, Cristal Miranda, says she was trying to blend some pinto beans when the bullet part of her blender exploded.

"The beans just bursted, just automatically went straight up,” Miranda said. "I could hear my face sizzling."

Miranda was severely burned.

Rivera’s attorney Danny Abir says his clients were either cut or burned by the NutriBullet.

"The lacerations are caused by the blade and the spinning of the blades when the NutriBullet has exploded, and the burns are from the heat created inside the bullet from the contents within,” Abir said.

Rivera says she wants to warn and inform the community about the blender’s alleged defects.

"I don't use this product no more because it's dangerous,” Rivera said.

NutriBullet said in a written statement that they were saddened to hear Rivera was injured.

“It is clear, however, that the plaintiff’s attorneys are trying to sway public opinion by orchestrating a publicity campaign that makes a very safe product appear dangerous. Reports of our blenders causing injury are extremely rare…We typically find customers have failed to adhere to the operating instructions and warnings provided,” read the statement in part.

At least 22 people are suing NutriBullet for injuries they say happened when their blenders exploded.

Copyright 2017 KCAL, KCBS, KSHB, Acts Law, NutriBullet via CNN. All rights reserved.