

GRAPHIC: 20-year-old survived shark, bear, snake bites


DENVER (KDVR/CNN) - A man bitten by a shark while surfing in Hawaii is no stranger to animal attacks.

The 20-year-old also has survived bites from a bear and a snake.

Some of the details and photos he shares are graphic.

"It was like my adrenaline was rushing," Dylan McWilliams said.

He was surfing off the Hawaiian island of Kauai last Thursday  when he said a tiger shark, 6- to 7-feet long, chomped down on his leg. 

"I felt something hit my leg, and looked down and there was blood all around me in the water and then I saw a shark underneath me and I started kicking at it," McWilliams said.

Frantically, he started paddling, still about 50 yards from shore.

"The scary part was swimming back. I don't know where the shark is, I'm a ways from shore, so I just was swimming for my life," McWilliams said.

A good Samaritan called 911, and paramedics rushed to stitch up his leg. 

It's an all too familiar situation. McWilliams can still feel the puncture wounds on his head from a bear attack less than a year ago.

"I heard a crunch. That's what I remember," he said.

He was camping in Boulder County, CO, when he awoke to a black bear biting down on his head. 

He started kicking and punching to escape.

"He dragged me like 10 to 15 feet, I think, around somewhere in there. I just was fighting back as hard as I could," McWilliams said.

His crazy encounters with the animal kingdom don't end there.

McWilliams was hiking in Utah a few years ago when he was bitten by a rattlesnake.

"I think I consider myself lucky in unlucky situations," he said.

Narrowly escaping danger multiple times now, McWilliams plans to buy a lottery ticket and is crossing his fingers that this latest attack will be the last.

"I start thinking about it, like, so much has happened to me. Hopefully I'll make it to 50 years old," he said. 

McWilliams said he hopes to someday write a book about his encounters. 

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