

Facebook's Zuckerberg: 'I'm really sorry that this happened'


(RNN) – The Trump presidency can dominate a news cycle like few other topics.

Here are some of the big White House stories from Wednesday:

  • Mueller team briefed Trump lawyers: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team reportedly briefed President Donald Trump’s attorneys on specific topics Mueller would question the president about during a sit-down interview.
  • Trump unhappy over newest leak: The president is infuriated over yet another leak, this one revealing not only Trump’s congratulatory call to Russian President Vladimir Putin, but also the urgent advice of his national security advisers not to offer Putin said congratulations.
  • Congress funds border wall: A bipartisan congressional budget deal includes $1.57 billion to begin construction on the president’s long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Zuckerberg sorry about Cambridge Analytica fallout: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized for a "breach of trust" that occurred with the misuse of user data by Cambridge Analytica, a data-mining firm that worked for the Trump campaign in 2016.
  • Continuing extramarital allegations: An adult film actress, a former Playmate and a onetime contestant on “The Apprentice” continue to bring up allegations of impropriety from Trump’s past.
  • Biden said he’d beat up Trump in high school: Indeed, former Vice President Joe Biden said he would haven beaten up Trump if he’d attended the same high school as the future president and had heard him disrespecting women.

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