

Deadly arson livestreamed on social media


MILWAUKEE (WDJT/CNN) - As a woman set fire to a house and a 72-year-old man died in the blaze, a neighbor watched and streamed the whole incident live on Facebook.

Dora Johnson said she could not believe her eyes as she watched the woman break through her neighbor’s window and set the house on fire.

In the video, another woman escapes from a window while flames spread through the house.

“I turn my head and I turn back around and see flames just bursting,” Johnson said.

About three minutes later, Johnson realized somebody was still trapped inside. A group of neighbors tried to get inside in an effort to rescue the elderly man trapped inside. They were not able to help.

“They got to start kicking on the door and everything, and then you see everybody on the porch. And when the door open, all the smoke just flew out against them,” she said.

Johnson did not want her face to be seen, saying she has received threats from people asking why she didn’t put down her phone and help. She said she was frightened to come near the woman who set the fire.

“She was looking like she was very intoxicated on drugs. I wasn’t going to intervene at all,” she said. “The police was already called, so there was nothing I really could do."

Johnson said she turned her phone over to police as evidence, The suspect has not yet been apprehended.

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