

Steinhatchee's Crabbie Dad's destroyed by Idalia's storm surge; see what's next for them

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  • Hurricane Idalia's historic storm surge of 8 feet flooded and destroyed the inside of Crabbie Dads Bar and Grill.
  • The owner, Scott Peters, said the damage could have been worse.
  • Peters has received help from strangers visiting the area and locals.

Local restaurant Crabbie Dads is cleaning up after Hurricane Idalia's storm surge flooded and destroyed most of the restaurant.

Our team spoke with them before Hurricane Idalia devastated this area and the restaurant that has been here for over 60 years.

Some would say that Scott Peters lost a lot.

"One day and all the work I have done for nineteen years," Peters said. "It's overwhelming."

Idalia's storm surge rushed into this business Wednesday morning.

The restaurant is now completely damaged on the inside.

Crabbie Dad's unrecognizable mud took the place of customers.

Despite this set back, Peters decided to keep a positive mindset and get to work.

"A lot of people thought it was a total loss," Peters said. "That's not my attitude in it."

He said he has not been the only one sorting through the restaurant and clearing out debris.

"A tractor came by to help, whatever needs to be done," said bartender Janet Prevatt. "Candice came by and said what can I do."

Prevatt, along with others, came to help Peters with clean up.

"We plan to get this place cleaned up in the next two days," Prevatt said.

She said Crabbie Dads is a place that builds community.

"We all met here," Prevatt said as she stood next to her two friends Meghan and Candice.

She said it needs to be open for neighbors. That's why she worked on setting up a bar outside the restaurant.

"Steinhatchee needs Crabbie Dads right now," Prevatt said.

Peters saie support that has come from across the country and locally is overwhelming.

"You always think you keep your circle small and then when things like this happen, you don't realize how big your circle really is."

Peters said they will be re-opening Crabbie Dads as soon as they can rebuild the inside.