

Nicklaus Designs Ready To Renovate Don Veller Seminole Golf Course

Nicklaus Designs Ready To Renovate Don Veller Seminole Golf Course

TALLAHASSEE, Fl. (WTXL) - On Thursday, Jack Nicklaus and his son Jack Nicklaus II toured Don Veller Seminole Golf Course as the duo preps for a redesign of the course.

Back in February, a deal was announced between Florida State and Nicklaus Designs to redesign Don Veller, which was last renovated in 2001.

The course at Seminole will be a Jack Nicklaus Legacy Course, the first in North America, with Nicklaus II leading the design, and the elder Nicklaus overseeing.

Nicklaus Designs has done 410 golf courses in 43 different countries, so being in Tallahassee is a big deal and they are ready to get started.

"We got a difficult situation in that we want to make sure that we do right by this property," said the elder Nicklaus. "It's a beautiful piece of property. It has great trees and vegetation. It's got some great views and we have the opportunity to do something special."

"It's a great piece of property," agreed Nicklaus II. "A lot of people have entrusted in what we can do. It's a great honor to be here and I'm very confident we're going to deliver a great golf course."

The project could start as early as this fall, and the course will close during renovations. It's slated to finish in fall of 2018.