

Kenny Moore brings free football camp back to Lowndes

Kenny Moore brings free football camp back to Lowndes

VALDOSTA, Ga. (WTXL) — Over the weekend, former Valdosta State and Lowndes star Kenny Moore brought his free football camp back to Valdosta.

The current defensive back for the Indianapolis Colts welcomed more than 100 future stars into the Vikings indoor practice facility, who were all able to learn the game from one of the best to ever do it out of the 229.

For Moore, it is vital to always be back, and to be a mentor is something he values a whole lot.

"The most important part about having some type of success, is being consistent, loving what you do, and being intentional about it, and hopefully the kids are able to see that from myself, to see my example," said Moore. "I'm not sure what they gain from seeing me, however I know what it was like being a kid and seeing somebody that I looked up too. You know, whenever you believe it, that gives you a bigger motivation, and a bigger determination to seek whatever you want to seek."

A man that loves his community, and Moore saw another great camp this weekend.