SportsHigh School Sports


FAMU DRS hooper signs with ASA College Miami


HAVANA, Fla. (WTXL) — Friday was a happy signing day to Alex Reddick. Reddick made it official with ASA College Miami, where she'll play basketball for the Silver Storm.

Reddick is a Crossroad Academy grad, but she played for FAMU DRS, and making that drive from Gadsden County to DRS everyday for practice paid off. She is now a junior college athlete, and she can't wait to get started.

"I'm excited. I've been waiting on this moment since seventh or sixth grade," she said. "I always waited on this moment. It was the coach. She just felt like a second mom the way she was talking and mkaing sure I'd be taken care of when I got down there. It feels good seeing everybody here, seeing everybody who first coached me at the rec until now. It feels good seeing everybody."

Reddick said she wants to study sports management, and one day own her own team.