

Hamilton County High School Students Head West To Special Olympics USA


JASPER, Fl. (WTXL) - The Big Bend may have some Special Olympic winners come next week.

Ten basketball players from Hamilton County high school, five special needs, five "buddies" make up the high school's Unified Team. They're making the trip west to Seattle for the Special Olmypics USA games that start Monday.

"This is my first time getting on a plane!" laughed Key'shun Zanders. "That's the crazy part, but it's going to be a great experience. This is my hometown so you know we have to represent. You know we have to get the win and take it home, that's what it's all about."

"We're a small county. Lot of people don't know about us, don't even know here we're at," said head coach Mike Cohen. "When we get a chance to put ourselves out there on the map, we're more than happy to do that."