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Florida State baseball ready for opening day match-up with James Madison


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Friday is the day, the smell of fresh cut grass, the unveiling of a refreshed Dick Howser Stadium, and the debut of Tallahassee's own Link Jarrett as the Florida State baseball team faces James Madison in game one of a three game series.

"I can't tell you how many people have reached out and called and text, and that's probably going to continue," he said. "The support of the program and myself has been beyond anything I could have imagined."

It's opening day, baseball is back and coach said he has felt the support from those who have been along for the ride.

Coach admitted he doesn't know what his reaction will be when he steps onto the same field he played his college ball on. His main concern? Making sure this baseball team is ready to play, and ready to win.

"The emotion really turns directly to how we perform and trying to play a really good first inning," he said. "I want to get on the field, and I want the guys to play a clean, sharp, crisp first inning and get in the dugout and start grinding away and figuring out ways to score. If we approach it in those smaller segments, you're pretty happy with the way things end up at the end of the day."

Game one of the three game series is set for Friday with a 5:00 first pitch.