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Florida A&M's Rachel Robertson prepares for first ever NCAA Track and Field Championships


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Rachel Robertson is Eugene, Oregon bound. The Florida A&M senior qualified for the NCAA championships this weekend by finishing tenth in the East Preliminaries in the triple jump.

I's a first time showing for Rachel. She told ABC 27 last week she was a little nervous but excited heading into Pre-lims. But with that out of the way, all her focus now on nationals.

As part of her training Rachel is not zeroing in on what to fix on the track. But rather focusing on the mental game and making sure her body is in the best shape to go out and make history...

"I just want to make sure I'm in a state of relaxation, Making sure I don't have a lot of nerves going into the meet," says Robertson. "And also making sure I do my treatments. Getting in the ice bath, making sure to get my back massages and all my ankle mobility in."

She's got some time to do that. The triple jump is set for June 11th in Eugene.