TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Amtrak may be one step closer to returning service in the Big Bend of Florida. The story above ran in 2023. Since then, there have been some developments.
In an email sent Wednesday, Leon County Commissioner, Rick Minor, said "the Federal Railroad Association (FRA) is considering a new passenger rail route that would run between Dallas/Fort Worth and Miami, with stops in Tallahassee, Pensacola and Jacksonville. It's seeking public input on this route and 14 others before it delivers its final report of recommendations to Congress."
The FRA's proposed map for the route being studied may be seen below.

Minor added in his email, "at this time, there is no funding designated for the Dallas/Ft. Worth - Miami route or any of the others, but this Amtrak Long-Distance Service Study was mandated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021 and is intended to "evaluate the restoration of daily intercity passenger rail service and the potential for new Amtrak long-distance routes."
ABC 27 has been tracking the potential return of Amtrak service to the Big Bend since Hurricane Katrina damaged the tracks between New Orleans and Tallahassee in 2005.
Commissioner Minor said there are ways to give your input on the idea.
- Click HERE to send to the FRA a pre-formatted email message
- Or send using ContactUs@FRALongDistanceRailStudy.org
Minor said, "in the email body, please include your full name and explain why you support the proposed DFW-Miami route going through Tallahassee. How would you use it? How would it benefit Leon County and North Florida? Just 2 or 3 sentences will be enough."
Minor said the deadline to submit comments is Friday, March 8 at 11:59 p.m.