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Safety improvements in the works for dangerous Woodville intersection following FDOT traffic study

The study was done over the last year
  • FDOT recommends constructing a traffic signal and left-turn lane at the dangerous intersection of Woodville Hwy and Natural Bridge Rd.
  • Leon County Commissioner Christian Caban originally requested a traffic study there due to an influx of safety concerns from neighbors.
  • Watch the video to hear the results of the study and why neighbors are excited to see change.


The Florida Department of Transportation has revealed that over the last five years, there have been 17 documented crashes at the intersection of Woodville Hwy and Natural Bridge Rd, where a traffic signal currently does not exist. I'm Kenya Cardonne, your Southeast Tallahassee neighborhood reporter. County leaders and neighbors are excited to see that change, following recent recommendations from an FDOT study.

Woodville Highway and Natural Bridge Road.

Steven Louisberg, Woodville ACE Hardware Manager - "Mornings, weekends, evenings, it's very busy."

An intersection I told you about last May, still causing concerns today over the lack of a traffic signal.

Take it from Steven Louisberg, who's lived and worked in the area for years.

Louisberg - "People get tired of waiting. They try to go too fast. Sometimes they're paying attention to one direction, somebody pulls out coming from the other direction that they didn't see prior and so a street light would be very, very welcomed."

And it seems a recent traffic study by the Florida Department of Transportation just gave the green light that Woodville neighbors have been waiting for.

Recommendations include ditching the stop signs for a traffic signal and a 140-foot northbound left-turn lane.

Christian Caban, Leon County Commissioner District 2 - "This is very exciting. This has been a huge issue for our neighbors in Woodville. We've had dozens and dozens of constituent complaints about this intersection."

It's what pushed Leon County Commissioner for District 2, Christian Caban, to request the study.

FDOT's report reveals the number of reported crashes within the last five years here is above the statistical average. Three of them have sent victims to the hospital. It's data that is terrifying to hear, considering the intersection sits at the corner of Woodville K-8 School, where foot and car traffic is heavy during drop-off and pick-up times.

Caban - "This is an exciting first step, because now this gives us the hard data to basically go and get to the next step, which will be secure funding and then get to construction."

A project of great priority for Commissioner Caban who says different funding options are being explored, including the possibility of having the County front the costs and then be reimbursed later. That way, the intersection gets the traffic safety work it needs as soon as possible.

Louisberg - "Oh, I think there's been a need for some time and we are all grateful for the Commissioner's work to get it done. So, the sooner, the better, absolutely."

With logistics and funding still in the works, the timeline for this project is still unknown.
In Southeast Tallahassee, Kenya Cardonne ABC 27.

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