- Gadsden County Senior Services was created by Simon Scott in 1974.
- According to recent census data, 20 percent of Gadsden County's population is made up of senior citizens.
- Watch the video to see how the center helps neighbors.
For half a century, Gadsden County Senior Services has been serving seniors in this neighborhood. I’m Ashley Engle your Quincy neighborhood reporter. I’m speaking to neighbors on what this milestone means to them and why these services are needed.
"You're sitting home and you're like 'I need something to do', something, what can I get involved in."
50 years of serving seniors. A service that Elizabeth Turner knew of and was excited for when Gadsden Senior Services was born
"He was very enthusiastic and excited about this. So I got a chance to know what was going on from the very beginning."
Wait, who's 'he'?
"Mr. Simon Scott."
Scott started senior services back in 1974 to give seniors in Gadsden County a place to be around other seniors.
"Just being able to have a place for them. There are youth places, there are places for my age group to go and so now we have places for the seniors to engage in."
Latoya Fryson is the executive director of Gadsden County Senior Services.
She tells me she wants the legacy of senior services to continue for another 50 years.
Whatever the needs are for our seniors in this community, it is our goal to be able to address each of those needs."
I checked the U.S. Census Bureau. As of 2021,20% of the county's population is made up of seniors.
"It has allowed my to come out and participate with other persons my age."
So, 50 years of providing health education, exercise, events and resources for seniors in Gadsden County.
With the goal, to spread these activities and positivity in this neighborhood, for another 50.
"We're really excited, you know we have 50 years to come so we are looking forward to the next 50 years."
The celebration doesn't stop now. For the rest of the week, Gadsden Senior Services will have events to celebrate its 50 years.
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