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Gadsden County leaders approve funding to complete final phases of new Emergency Management Building

In total, the county has received a little over $17 million for this project.
Posted 8:50 PM, Sep 23, 2024
  • County leaders just approved $3.5 million from the Florida Division of Emergency Management.
  • The funding will be used to complete the final stage of construction and design of the new emergency operations building.
  • Watch the video to hear from leaders about the building process.

Gadsden county's emergency operation center is about to be moved and upgraded to right here, but leaders are still finalizing the plans. I’m Ashley Engle your Quincy neighborhood reporter. I’m looking at where this project stands now.

County leaders just approved $3.5 million from the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

The funding will be used to complete the final stage of construction and design of the new emergency operations building.

In total, the county has received a little over $17 million for this project.

Tashonda Whaley is Gadsden County’s Emergency Management Director. She tells me the project will now be completed in 2027.

Gadsden county leaders and neighbors’ broke ground on the new EOC project almost a year ago.

Construction still has not started yet. I sat down and asked Whaley why and she says there’s process they need to follow.

“As anyone who’s worked with grants knows you must keep those pots of money separate. We are not trying to intermingle any funds; we’re trying to make sure that we use those funds those pots of money for specifically what that grant tells us to use it for.”

Leaders say the new building will be able to withstand category 5 hurricane winds.