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WHERE IS LORI PAIGE? Searchers plan billboards to help bring missing 12-year-old Tallahassee girl home

Paige was last seen June 3, 2023
  • Search groups are not giving up on finding a Tallahassee girl who has been missing more than seven months.
  • Volunteers are looking into getting billboards made after as weekend search resulted in no major breakthroughs.
  • Watch the video to see how you can help bring the girl home.


It's been more than 250 days since 12-year-old Lori Paige was last seen. I'm Kendall Brandt in Northwest Tallahassee where neighbors searched for the child Saturday.

With no success coming out of that effort, I'm seeing what's next in the search for the missing Griffin Middle School Student.

"We just walked and walked and knocked and knocked and talked to strangers." That's Pastor Rudy Ferguson. Seven out months from June 3, 2023, he is still looking for missing 12-year-old Lori Paige.

It's an effort he has been doing since the beginning. "It went cold for a little while, we stayed on the phone contacting all the people we could."

Calling people who live around the area who could have seen the five foot tall, 120 pound 12 year old with black dreadlocks. She went missing here off of Continental Court near Mission San Luis and Godby High School.

Those calls haven't produced many if any viable tips.

"We have not found her, no trace of her which is a very sad commentary because this is not a huge city."

Many people in Tallahassee though are connecting about the case on social media. Her flier shared in the Living Tallahassee Facebook group, popping up on the feeds of its 47,000 members.

Group creator Patty Wilson wanted to help spread the word again after posting her flier months ago. "I spoke to Pastor Ferguson and Margie and asked if we could start a search."

She posted those plans to Facebook, but says they need more help for their next search. "The next Leon County clean up day on the 24th, we're going to do another search around that area and just hand out fliers."

Ferguson says they also have other plans. "What we wold like to do is simply have a billboard or two to find her on the major roads"

He says they will not stop until they find out where Lori is.

"Young Lori Paige belongs to Tallahassee. Belongs to all of us. We are one city. We are gatekeepers and we must stand at the gate to make sure our children are safe."