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Holiday shopping season is make-or-break for some local businesses

A great or poor holiday season could be the difference between staying open or closing doors
Holiday shopping season is make-or-break for small Tallahassee businesses
and last updated
  • Local businesses depend on good sales in December to stay open the next year.
  • Neighboring businesses Canopy Roads Antiques and Toy Nation are two of many small businesses in Tallahassee relying on that holiday income.
  • Watch now to see how each business fared this holiday season and what it means for them.


This Christmas Eve also marked one of the last days for local businesses to get in on the holiday spending. 

Marcia and Ron Strazulla have been in the antiques business for 30 years in the Northeast Tallahassee neighborhood.

Canopy Roads Antiques is filled with unique finds...especially in December. 

"December we make our most money. It's our biggest month. We bring out all our goodies to entice people to buy."

Ron says even through extended holiday hours, they never get tired of it.

"We enjoy this increased busy-ness, but as Marcia said we also enjoy seeing people come in and find something unique for themselves."

Just next door, Deborah Eyler runs Toy Nation. 

She says she was preparing for the holiday rush as far back as May, because...

"Toy stores make a third of their income the last quarter of the year."

Even so….she also says sales this year have been down.

"Maybe more people are shopping online, maybe more people can't afford it..."

The store has struggled so much that Eyler isn't sure how long she can stay open.

Another reminder of how crucial the holiday season is for small business in Tallahassee.