

Woman finds dead frog in her salad at California restaurant

Frog 3
Frog 2
Frog 1
Frog 1

(RNN) - A California woman who was eating out with her family said she was four bites into her salad when she had a feeling something was not right.

“I sensed it tasted a little different,” Shawna Cepeda wrote on Yelp. “I thought maybe the ranch dressing was a little bitter and after mixing the salad around some more, I found a dead baby frog.

“Yes, I said FROG!”

She told the manager, but she turned down his offer to comp their meal. She refused and told him they didn't want to eat there anymore.

The manager told her they get the produce from a vendor, but she was concerned that the dead frog managed to slip through to her table.

“Don’t they wash their vegs before serving?” She wondered.

The restaurant responded immediately on Yelp, apologizing for not solving the issue in-line.

“We take situations like this very seriously and have launched an internal investigation including discussions with our suppliers and distributors …” the manager wrote.

She said she contacted the corporate office, who apologized and sent her a $50 gift card. She said she still feels sick and can’t eat almost a week later.

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