

Where to find love in Tallahassee?

Where to find love in Tallahassee?
Where to find love in Tallahassee?

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - For many singles who feel like true love eludes them, they may ask the question, especially on this Valentine's Day, where is love hiding? 

We took a look at where and how to find love in Tallahassee and the results may surprise you. 

Experts say if you are serious about finding a relationship, lay off the dating apps and get out and about. That's because 39 percent of singles met their significant others through friends or face-to-face. 

If you are single and unemployed, you may want to polish up that resume because the second most popular way to meet a partner is through work. 15 percent of singles met their partner on the job. 

Dr. Linda Miles is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Tallahassee. She says real life options seem to be the preferred way of meeting people. 

"When you meet someone in real life you also have a better chance of meeting someone who has commonalities," said Dr. Miles. 

Only eight percent of people surveyed met their significant other through online dating or apps.

The bottom line is no matter what dating method you choose, have faith when it comes to true love. What is meant to be will always find a way.