

Walmart employee's act of kindness goes viral

Walmart employee's act of kindness goes viral

CLARKSDALE, MS (WMC) - A random act of kindness is going viral after a Walmart cashier helped a customer count the change to pay for his items. 

Some customers called it an act of kindness, but Tracy Conner said she was simply doing her job when she checked out a customer who had lots of change despite a line behind him.

“I love people, I love ‘em,” Conner said.   

For the past 12 years at the Clarksdale, Mississippi Walmart, that's been so obvious. Conner said what she did Monday on the job is something she hopes more of us would do.

“It's nothing special, and why they're making such a big issue out of it I can't wrap my brain around it,” Conner said.

She was in shock though when someone showed her a Facebook post by customer Spring Bowlin applauding her patience and generosity when she helped an older regular customer who forgot his wallet and only had change to pay.

Bowlin was a customer in line behind the man and snapped the photo.

“I think the total was like $2 and some change and that's all he had,” Conner said. “I said just lay them on the belt and I'll count them. No biggie, no rush.”

The post has gotten more than 95,000 likes and more than 50,000 shares on Facebook.

“When you see that someone is struggling with something, why rush them and make the situation worse?” Conner said. “Why not just make it easier for them and do what you can do?”

The heartwarming post perhaps reminds us all to be nice to everyone we encounter.

“People like that are good people,” said customer Tommy Gordon.  

The general manager at the Walmart said they are working on plans to recognize Conner for her generosity.

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