

'They're gonna kill me': Frightened mom hides with baby during break-in

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HIALEAH, FL (WSVN/CNN) – Whispering to 911 on the phone, a Florida mother locked herself and her 3-month-old son in a bedroom after she saw several men in ski masks approach her house.

The frightened mother, who did not wish to be identified, was home with only her baby on Feb. 7 when she says a man knocked on her front door. She didn’t answer but kept watching and saw another man “with a hoodie and ski mask.”

The mother grabbed her son and ran to a bedroom in the back of the house, where she called 911, as the burglars pried open a window.

“The first thing that came to my mind was my son and to call 911. I couldn’t believe it was happening,” the victim said.

On the phone with emergency services, the mother quieted her voice when she realized the subjects had broken in. As she started to panic, the operator tried to calm the woman, telling her not to cry.

“Please, please, hurry up. Please,” begged the mother in the call.

The 3-month-old can be heard cooing in the background.

Police responded to the scene and captured three suspects: Freddy Dilogene, Elijan Harrell and Walter Washington.

The victim said in February she didn’t recognize any of the suspects and was glad they were arrested and taken off the streets.

“You’re just robbering into someone’s house. They were trying to steal my belongings. They’re not good civilians,” she said.

The mother said she’s thankful for the 911 operator.

“The 911 operator, she was amazing. She told me they’re on scene before I even heard any sirens,” she said.

The suspects were charged with occupied burglary charges the day after the incident.

Copyright 2018 WSVN, Hialeah Police, Turner Guilford Correctional Center via CNN. All rights reserved.