

Texas daddy shoots and kills armed robber who threatened his family in Popeye's

Texas daddy shoots and kills armed robber who threatened his family in Popeye's

SAN ANTONIO, TX (RNN) - A Texas daddy pulled his weapon and opened up on an armed robber who threatened him and his family at a Popeye’s in San Antonio, TX, on Wednesday night.

Investigators said gunman Andes Herrera, 19, walked into the restaurant and approached 32-year-old Carlos Molina, aimed a gun at him and demanded his property. Molina said he didn’t have any money because he spent it all to buy the meal, and asked the robber to leave them alone, according to Fox29 in San Antonio.

Herrera turned toward the counter and ordered the manager to stop running. As Molina’s family began to walk out of the restaurant, two more family members came out of the restroom and the gunman pointed the gun at them.

Molina pulled his gun and shot Herrera several times, killing him. Molina is a licensed handgun owner, police said, and they believe he shot in defense of a third person.

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