

Relatives Suspected Poison In Utah Family Deaths


SALT LAKE CTIY (AP) - Relatives of five Utah family members found dead in a locked bedroom last month say revelations that poison likely killed them confirmed their suspicions.

Jacob Strack says in a statement relatives are shocked, upset and struggling as they relive the deaths of Benjamin and Kristi Strack as well as three of their children. They say they will release more information later.

Search warrants show cups with a red liquid inside were found next to the bodies. Some of the bodies appeared to have been positioned after death. Empty packages of methadone and cold medicine were found in the family's trash.

Police in Springville aren't saying who killed the family found Sept. 27 or whether one of the parents might have been involved. Toxicology results in the case are expected next month.

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10/30/2014 2:56:48 PM (GMT -4:00)