

New layout planned for Victorian Christmas in Thomasville

New layout planned for Victorian Christmas in Thomasville
New layout planned for Victorian Christmas in Thomasville

THOMASVILLE, GA (WALB) - The upcoming annual Victorian Christmas celebration in Thomasville will have a brand new design this year.

Organizers have spread the event out further into the downtown area.

This year, the new amphitheater will be part of the festival, hosting chorus groups, bands and other performers.

New attractions to the festival include the Magic Lantern Show in the auditorium, a newly designed area for Santa and a food court.

Downtown staff members hope that people will enjoy the new layout of the event.

"After that amount of time, we wanted to take a look at the event and see which ways we could change it so people who have come for many years could still recognize it, could enjoy it and find something new. And people who have never been before will have a brand new experience. We're really excited." said Events Director Sarah Turner.

More merchants and food court staff will be dressed up this year than ever before.

Organizers ordered around 100 brand new costumes this year for the event.

The festival will take place on December 14 and 15.

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