

New bill in Fl would require universal background checks

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)--Purchasing guns in Florida could become a little tougher since lawmakers have filed a bill to push for more gun control on online and gun show purchases.

Some lawmakers say it's too easy to get your hands on guns and they want a hard hitting law on the books to regulate purchases.

The "Universal Background Check Act," (HB 1343) would require people who buy their guns on the internet such as Ebay and Amazon to purchase from a licensed dealer who could then perform a background check before the buyer is able to get the gun.

If the seller is not licensed, the seller must submit the buyer's information to a licensed dealer in order to perform the background check.

This bill also applies to gun show purchases. For example, if you wish to purchase a gun at a show. A background check must be submitted by a licensed dealer before you're able to receive your gun.

Lawmakers says its all about safety.

"We don't want felons to have guns, we don't want people who have substance abuse problems to have guns, and we don't want people who have been committed to mental institutions to have guns so this bill address all those issues," said Lori Berman, Democrat, State Representative of Palm Beach County.

Over in the senate, an identical has been filed (SB 1343). Senator Maria Sachs of Delray, Florida said she believes it'll be an interesting debate this year.

"I think its important that we begin this discussion soon and have the debate ensue as to who we are as a people and what type of gun regulations do we want throughout the state," said Sachs.

The bills haven't been assigned to committees in neither the house or senate.