

Mold Concerns Grow in FSU Dorms

FSU Mold - Smith Hall C
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) -- As students at Florida State move back into their dorms for the upcoming semester, some were welcomed back to school with an unpleasant surprise.

It might be a new year, but there's still an old issue.

WTXL reported in September about students complaining of mold found in their dorms.

Several students and parents reached out to WTXL, sending even more photos this time around.

Students posted several pictures on Facebook, showing mold on their personal belongings.

Several of the complaints about mold come from students living in some of the university's older dormitories like Smith Hall.

Students living in that residence hall say they've had to throw out blankets, pillows and clothing due to the mold. University Housing says the halls were regularly inspected during the break but admits there were several cases of mold and mildew.

"If students are having concerns or questions, they need to let us know, and we'll help them with it the best we can," said executive director Shannon Staten.

The housing office says the university's environmental health and safety department have been in the rooms the past few weeks during inspections, deeming the rooms safe to live in.

Staten says maintenance has been cleaning rooms for several days, but the threat of mold is a reoccurring issue.

"It's kind of typical in older structures especially, with the type of weather we had in December and the buildings being closed up," she said.

But students on campus say they're worried about exactly how safe they are. Some say they've developed breathing issues while living around the mold.

The office says it provides free laundry service for students who may have mold on their clothes. Staten says there aren't many open rooms available for students to relocate. And even if they do move, she says there's no guarantee mold won't be in those rooms either.

The office says that, in rare cases, if a student can show proof of a medical condition developed while living in a room, he or she may qualify to be relocated.