NewsLocal News


Wakulla citizens demand better water protection

Charter Review Commission votes against ballot item that would allow for more water regulations
Wakulla citizens to implement more ways to protect their water
and last updated

This article was updated to reflect a quote from Commissioner Ralph Thomas was removed. This did not accurately reflect the answer to a question regarding drinking water.

  • On Thursday evening at the Charter Review Commission meeting people who live in Wakulla County proposed a motion to set up an advisory board for the Wakulla County Commissioners to help them gather information on issues with the water.
  • At the meeting the motion did not pass.
  • People in the county who are passionate about the environment are still pushing for more efforts.

Broadcast Transcript:

On Thursday evening at the Charter Review Commission meeting people who live in Wakulla County proposed a motion to set up an advisory board for the Wakulla County Commissioners to help them gather information on issues with the water.

At the meeting the motion did not pass.

This was intended to be put on the ballot for citizens in Wakulla to vote on in 2024.

“It has been an ongoing issue everybody practically has a story about issues with their drinking water.”

David Damon lives in Wakulla County. He is pushing for advisory board to better monitor water quality in the county.

I brought this to Commissioner Ralph Thomas who says monitoring the water is something that's already being done.

Commissioner Thomas says the county is aware of the concerns and has been working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

“There is concern that at some point is gonna get close to that well and that well may have to be shut down, but this is not a new issue this happened many many many decades ago and our county is committed to cleaning that up just like we have been for the past two decades.”

Since this has been going on for decades why now??

“It’s the lack of oversight by Wakulla County.”

Damon is hopeful more progress can come from this to protect overall water quality.

“Hopefully we can work towards improvements Suggestions there are a lot of smart people around here. The commissioners are not experts on water, nor am I.”

I contacted the DEP and I have not heard back.

The next Charter review commission meetings are November 14th and 28th at 6:30pm