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Visit Tallahassee: Capital City broke records for tourism in 2019

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — It's been a billion dollar year for tourism in Tallahassee and Leon County.

Visit Tallahassee says in 2019 Tallahassee broke records.

Visit Tallahassee celebrated record breaking numbers in tourism on Monday night.

"For the first time in Tallahassee history we have exceeded one billion dollars in economic impact for touring in Tallahassee," said Commissioner Bryan Desloge.

That's a 14% increase from the 2018 fiscal year.

The impact from visitors in 2019 is boosting the Economy.

"Hotel occupancy is up I mean all indicators for tourism are up so 2019 was a very very exciting year it really demonstrated the impact that tourism has on the community," said Kerri Post.

According to Visit Tallahassee, 2.4 million tourist made their way to the Capital City, which is a three percent increase from fiscal year 2018.

Hotels in the area greatly benefiting from the partnership with Visit Tallahassee.

"It's a good asset for hotels to drive a lot of revenue and rooms to the hotel," said Mike Kelly.

In 2020, The Leon County Division of Tourism plans to take tourism in the area to new heights.

In the new year, they will launch a new destination mobile app and mobile first website promoting all the sites to see in our area.

"A lot of new content generation and a number of new programs that will be going into place and of course in the new creative platform that we're really excited about," said Post.

Their theme for 2020, 'Pretty Unexpected,' and business owners are excited about what's next in for tourism in Tallahassee.

"We're expecting a lot they just put on a great event showcasing some of the great new contracts and groups and events coming in and we're excited to be apart of that," said mark Xenophon.

Data shows that each quarter, Tallahassee sees 25% of it's yearly visitors.